Crack filler is a white cement-based, polymer-modified product designed for both internal and external walls. It is ideal for filling cracks within a width of 4-5 mm on plastered surfaces. A high-quality crack filler makes repairing cracks or gaps in wall and ceiling surfaces easier. This crack filler is cost-effective, has excellent crack-hiding ability, quick-drying capability and provides a smooth finish.


  • Excellent crack-hiding ability
  • Quick drying ability
  • Smooth Finish
  • Save Time
  • Cost-Effective
SKUs: 1kg, 20kg

Benefit & Advantages

  • Ideal for internal and external wall applications.
  • Perfect for vertical, horizontal, and overhead applications.
  • Provide excellent bonding to the base plaster.
  • Easy to apply and excellent crack hiding tendency.
  • Easy to apply.


Ans: HomeSure Crack Filler from Walplast is the best solution for internal and external wall cracks. HomeSure Crack Filler is a white cement-based polymer modified crack filler specially developed to fill cracks with a width of up to 4 mm in plastered surfaces on internal and external walls.

Ans: 1- Dampen the opened crack up to 4mm thick and allow excess water to drain.

2- Add HomeSure Crack Filler in water to create a paste.

3- Mix well to get a lump-free paste and let it settle for 10 minutes.

4- Re-mix the paste again for 2 minutes.

5- Apply the mixture to fill the entire depth of the open crack(s) using a steel trowel or a blade.

6- Use the prepared mix within 30 minutes.

Ans: Quick drying, takes more than 1 hour to dry.

Ans: Yes, You Can use HomeSure Crack Filler is best for deep cracks.