Premium Putty is a high-polymerized product designed with unique properties and water-repellent additives. It covers unevenness and pinholes on plastered mortar walls and ceilings to make the surface wall ready for primer and paint application. Premium Putty fills imperfections, cracks, and faults on the surface. It provides a water repellent effect (Lotus Bead effect), anti-efflorescent properties, and gives an aesthetic finish.


  • Aesthetic looks for ceiling, Interior & Exterior walls.
  • Protect expensive paint from dampness & peeling.
  • Provides smooth and uniform finish to rough plasters.
  • Avoid frequent repainting.
  • Excellent workability
  • UV Resistance

SKUs: 20kg, 40kg


  • Bonding to the base plaster
  • Reduce Paint consumption.
  • Highly water resistant
  • Long lasting- Smooth finish
  • High Durability


Ans: If kept in a cold, dry environment, HomeSure Premium Putty has a shelf life of 12 months.

Ans: HomeSure Premium Putty can be applied to both interior and exterior walls.

Ans: To create a lump-free plaster, mix HomeSureWallex Premium Putty with water thoroughly. 35–40% water is advised in the mixture.